CCSD High School Career Skills Program Earns National Honor
The Etowah High School FFA agricultural education program has been named a 2023 3 Star Chapter by the National FFA Organization, the highest star rating award. Its student leadership team is made up of, from left, front row: Brooke Moore-President, Jaidyn Novak-Treasurer, Rebecca Frix-Student Advisor, Madelyn McCoy-Committee Chair, Caroline Honea-Sentinel; back: Ashley West-Secretary, Violet Schroer-Reporter, Carter Mason-Vice President, Connor Lawlor-Parliamentarian, Kendra Adipi-Historian, Theo Warinner-Chaplain.
A CCSD high school career skills program has earned a national honor!
The Etowah High School chapter of the FFA agricultural education program has been named a 2023 3 Star Chapter by the National FFA Organization. The program also earned a $3,000 national Grants for Growing award.
The National Chapter Award Program recognizes outstanding FFA chapters nationwide, and 3 Star is the highest star rating awarded. Honored chapters demonstrate success in providing educational experiences for all members, growing student leaders, participating in community service and raising awareness about the importance of agriculture. The Etowah HS chapter will be recognized at the 96th National FFA Convention & Expo in November and receive honors made possible by corporate sponsor John Deere.
The chapter additionally earned a $3,000 FFA Grants for Growing national award sponsored by Tractor Supply Company. The program provides grants to develop or expand agricultural education projects. Etowah’s FFA plans to build “Book Barns” for local libraries that will house books related to agriculture.
“Congratulations to Etowah FFA – we’re proud of your dedication to preparing for future career success and for serving your school and community,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said. “Agriculture is a critically important industry in our community and state, and our Career Pathways in agriculture fields and FFA chapters together offer our students an outstanding preparation for ag careers. We’re grateful to teacher Ashley Rivers for her support of these students through her classes and FFA activities.”
The Etowah chapter is sponsored by Ms. Rivers, who leads the school’s Career Pathway programs in Plant and Floral Design Systems and Companion Animal Systems. FFA is a co-curricular program, which offers students the opportunity to continue their agricultural education learning through after-school and weekend activities. FFA also offers students opportunities for leadership and community service.
The chapter’s student leadership team is made up of President Brooke Moore, Vice President Carter Mason, Secretary Ashley West, Treasurer Jaidyn Novak, Chaplain Theo Warinner, Committee Chair Madelyn McCoy, Historian Kendra Adipi, Parliamentarian Connor Lawlor, Reporter Violet Schroer, Sentinel Caroline Honea, Student Advisor Rebecca Frix.
The student leadership team and Ms. Rivers will be recognized by the Cherokee County School Board and Dr. Hightower at the school board’s September meeting.
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