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CCSD Recognizes 229 Superintendent's Key Scholars for Academic Success

CCSD Recognizes 229 Superintendent's Key Scholars for Academic Success

The Cherokee County School District is celebrating 229 exemplary high school juniors as Superintendent’s Key Scholars!  

These top students were recognized, through the 17th Annual Superintendent’s Key Scholar Recognition Ceremony on Thursday night, for scores achieved on the PSAT that rank them in the top 10% nationwide.  (NOTE: A video of the ceremony is online here: Superintendent’s Key Scholar Awards Ceremony. Please be advised that the program begins about 20 minutes into the video.)

“Our Key Scholars are among the nation’s brightest high school students – the top 10% - and we’re deeply proud of each of them for this admirable academic success,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said.  “Recognizing academic excellence is incredibly important to our School Board and to me, and this annual event is another example of our commitment to celebrating our students’ achievements.  Thank you also to our teachers, who guide these students over their education with us to learn as much as possible in preparation for future success.”

Each honoree will receive an embroidered “Key Scholar” letter-jacket patch.  Students who scored at the 95th percentile or greater on the PSAT in their sophomore of junior year also will receive a special cord to wear at their graduation ceremony.  The Key Scholar program costs are sponsored by Cobb EMC and LGE Community Credit Union, CCSD Partners.

The Key Scholar Program is a districtwide academic recognition program, with recognition opportunities beginning with the Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP) search program in elementary school and leading up to National Merit Scholarship recognition in the high school senior year.

Gabriel Aca*
Donovan Allen
Brennan Beard
Makenzie Bird
Griffen Bon*
Thaddaeus Brake*
Hayden Callahan
Lila Chandler
Remy Charleston*
Caleb Christian*
Kathryn Cline
Selby Crisante*
Jay Cuomo*
Hayden Danneman*
Braden Flournoy*
Sakura Giannerini-Paulino
Lillian Graves
Claire Green
Daniel Green
Seth Grogan
Austin Haymore*
Brianna Hudson
Matthew Hughes
Chloe Johnson
William Longstaff
Bryce Longstaff*
Ashley Lyen
Abigail McCarty
Jamie McCord
Grace McPherson*
Summer McRoy*
Sophia Melbourne
Garrett Miller
Miranda Miller
William Murdock
Weston Olds
Alexa Pavese
Sarah Grace Pfanstiel*
Blake Preston
Amelia Ray*
Yael Reyes-Cortes
Haley Roberson
Hayden Roberson*
Rodrigo Sandoval
Lucas Sauls
Finnegan Sheldon*
Madison Smith
Haley Starr
Ava Stuart*
Rachel Tew
Aiden Watkins
Sydney Watson*
Renzo Zapata

Michael Abdinoor
Robert Barrineau
Owen Bradley
Cayley Brock*
Kylie Buchanan*
Carter Canfield*
Landon Carlson
Tatum Carmichael*
Sophia Cheng*
Elijah Corbett*
Kira Creech*
Vincent Dupard
Phoebe Feibus*
Brayden Fuentes*
Camdyn Gates
Charli Gilliam
Laura Hand*
Henry Harris*
Carson Heath*
Lana Houston
Lucas Hubert
Brayden Huguenard*
Aiden Hurst
Elsa Johnson
Nora Kharrat
Grace Kicak
Carly Marmolejo
Korrigan Marsh*
Maxton Moreland
Luke Payne
Reuben Phelps
Christian Richards*
Thomas Richardson
Wyatt Robida
Lake Rowley
Luis Salazar
Nathan Sardonia
Emerson Shi*
Kinley Sikes*
Myer Spillers
Alyssa Thomason*
Cameron Thrower*
Hayden Tipton
Wade Webb*

Jonathan Acree
Demetrios Angelakos
Andrew Barnett
Evan Burke
Logan Derenthal*
Madison Dodd
Ellis Eilering
John Fallin
Cristina Garcia
Grace Hedlund
Alannah Hipps
Nathaniel Hughes
Jack Kennard
Nicholas Knerr
Gracye Lamb*
Connor Lawlor
Jessica Lawlor
Mason Mancini*
Olivia Myers
Neal O'Connor
Disha Patel
Christopher Pedersen*
Ty Phillips*
Anvita Rautray*
Thomas Sawyer
Ashley Shaw
Abigail Turner
Hailey Weiner
Drake Wright

Joel Agodio
Aiden Allison*
Alexis Barton*
Amber Boroski*
Wyatt Clements
Chloe Gohlke
Naomi Hinton
Seraphina Jaggie
Noah Kampman*
Ethan Keenum*
Julianna Kershaw*
Kieran Laprade
Caleb Lewis*
Ally Lubbers
Natalie Matthews
Hannah Mayfield
Bella McKinney
Adrianna Musser*
Tanner Orillion
Alyssa Peacock
Rylan Radziewicz*
Cole Womack

Laurel Blasé
Aidan Christian*
Luke Ciesla
Domenic Colonna
Connor Craig*
Sayler Davies
Walker Durant
Kayla Engle
Paige Falcomata*
Brock Freeman
Zoe Gleason*
Taylor Grabowski
Kaitlyn Hartman*
Kayla Hobba
Zachary Howell
Gwendolyn Hutchinson
Emma Jira*
Cayla Johnson*
Christopher Jordan
Jake Koster*
Andrew Latimer*
Brett Lowry*
Taryn Mareau*
Alexis McClellan
David McDonnell
Dmitri Morris*
William Murphy*
Sunny Nguyen*
Julian Noaker
Benjamin Offenberg*
Anna Louise Panhorst*
Alice Pelton
Jennifer Ramos-Hernandez
Asby Rowson
Ethan Sarrell
Olivia Severson*
Lauren Strommen
Zyion Terry*
Parker Thran
Clayton Tucker
John Tucker*
Kobe Valone

Isabella Bailey*
Georgia Barsh*
Charles Boggess Pardo
Carson Bove
Briana Castaneda
Gabrielle Cobb
Leann Cwieka*
Evan Darden*
Kaitlyn Detscher
Catherine Ebbs
Aldo Ferretiz
Kai Glaza
Abigail Hallman
Ethan Heggen
Kaitlyn Henscheid
Alexandria Hernandez
Mary Hogrefe*
Kaiden Hughes
Bryce Jones*
Tahsin Kazi*
Taylor King*
Vivian Lawrence*
Makenzee Levine
Chloe Little*
Ariana Maniatis
Taylor Mason
Brayden McPhillips*
Xavier Olsen*
Shubh Patel*
Abdullah Quadri*
Tristan Ridgway
Grayson Schutz
Matthew Shewfelt*
Casen Stiber*
Andrew Tressler
Elijah Wadsworth
Kaden Walls*
Skylar Wuerth
Adam Ziemecki

*Designates students who earned scores in the 95th percentile
